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Talking About Tree Care Services

Hi there, my name is Neil. I am excited to share my knowledge about tree service with you all. My land is absolutely covered in fruit trees. Before I started providing the trees with regular care, they did not produce much fruit each year. I worked with a tree service professional to see if we could improve their yields across the board. My tree service professional eliminated pests and improved the health of my trees in a short span of time. The trees started producing fruit in abundance after that point. My site will explore the extreme level of care provided to trees by these dedicated professionals.


Talking About Tree Care Services

Signs Of A Hazardous Tree

by Fred Nelson

Hazardous trees on your property may not always look like a danger at first glance. This is why falling trees often catch property owners by surprise. Fortunately, you may be able to tell which trees are a danger if you know what to look for. The following are a few signs that could mean trouble.

Sign #1: Major bark damage

The cambium layer just beneath the bark is the life blood of the tree. If the bark is scraped off or removed over a large area – especially if it encircles or nearly encircles the trunk – then the tree is going to begin to die. Deep cracks and cankers, which are seeping wounds on the bark, can also indicate disease and die off.

Sign #2: Branch drop

Healthy trees will sometimes drop branches, the problem is when the tree begins dropping lots of branches. Major branch die off and drop indicates that something is wrong with the tree.

Sign #3: Foliage die-back

Leaf loss in fall is normal, as is slight loss during extreme drought periods. If the foliage begins dying off otherwise, you may have an issue. This is especially true if the leaves on the outer branches discolor and drop first, followed by those in the center of the canopy. This kind of die-back indicates root damage.

Sign #4: Rotten roots

Rotting roots are invisible, but the results aren't. The easiest sign to see is mushroom or fungal growth on the bottom of the trunk or in the soil against the trunk. Another sign is a leaning tree. These trees are in imminent danger of falling.

Sign #5: Branch growth issues

If you live in a windy area, then the shape of the canopy matters. Trees that grow in their branches nearly upright so that the canopy branches are close together are more likely to be taken down by wind. Those with the branches set wider, which creates a wider canopy with more room for air circulation, are less likely to come down.

Sign #6: Location problems

Trees growing too closely to the home are a danger because of several issues. First, they can cause damage to the foundation of your house. Second, the roots can't spread evenly because of your foundation, so the tree isn't well anchored. Finally, if they fall they will likely damage your home.

Contact a tree care and removal service like Green Shadow Tree Service LLC if your tree shows any of these signs. They can help you decide whether the problem can be fixed or if you should take down the tree.
