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Talking About Tree Care Services

Hi there, my name is Neil. I am excited to share my knowledge about tree service with you all. My land is absolutely covered in fruit trees. Before I started providing the trees with regular care, they did not produce much fruit each year. I worked with a tree service professional to see if we could improve their yields across the board. My tree service professional eliminated pests and improved the health of my trees in a short span of time. The trees started producing fruit in abundance after that point. My site will explore the extreme level of care provided to trees by these dedicated professionals.


Talking About Tree Care Services

How To Properly Mulch Around A Tree

by Fred Nelson

If you're planting a new tree on your property or have one that you want to take better care of, mulching around the tree can go a long way. The mulch will help keep moisture locked into the soil so it does not evaporate so quickly. Over time, natural mulches also break down, adding vital nutrients like nitrogen and potassium to the soil for the tree to use. But mulching around a tree is not as simple as dumping a bag of mulch at its base and kicking it around. Here are some tips to help guide you.

Clear the grass, first.

Mulching will be more effective if you first remove the grass where you're going to be placing the mulch. Otherwise, you'll have grass growing up through your mulch, which doesn't look great. You can use a hoe and a garden rake to break up the soil, and then remove clumps of grass. You may also want to spray the area with a grass killer. Aim to create a broad circle around the tree's trunk. A radius of 6 or 8 feet works well if your space allows for it.

Choose the right mulch.

Wood mulch is a popular choice because it breaks down easily and is attractive. However, you can also use pine needle mulch if you don't mind the way it looks. The needles are high in nitrogen, so they're very nourishing to the tree as they break down. Don't use a rock mulch or mulch made from crushed leaves. Rocks, obviously, don't break down. Leaves may contain fungus from infected trees and may spread these infections to your tree.

Spread the mulch.

Spread the mulch out into the wide circle that you've cleared of grass. Make sure you do not pile the mulch right up against the trunk; this will perpetuate rotting, which may eventually kill your tree. Leave a few inches between the trunk and where the mulch starts. Usually, a layer of mulch about 4 inches in thickness is sufficient. If you have spare mulch, feel free to pile it up to about 6 inches. Any thicker will make it harder for the rain or water to permeate all of the way to the soil.

Replenish as needed.

Every few months, check on your mulch. When the layer seems to be thinning, add an extra layer on top of it to maintain that approximate 4-inch thickness. Do not mix the old mulch with the new mulch. The older mulch closer to the soil will be at a later stage of decay since it's in direct contact with the soil and has been there longer. Leaving it in place allows it to naturally nourish the soil.

For more information, contact local professionals like Yarnell Tree Co Inc.
