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Talking About Tree Care Services

Hi there, my name is Neil. I am excited to share my knowledge about tree service with you all. My land is absolutely covered in fruit trees. Before I started providing the trees with regular care, they did not produce much fruit each year. I worked with a tree service professional to see if we could improve their yields across the board. My tree service professional eliminated pests and improved the health of my trees in a short span of time. The trees started producing fruit in abundance after that point. My site will explore the extreme level of care provided to trees by these dedicated professionals.


Talking About Tree Care Services

Top Tips For Promoting Faster And Full Wound Recovery After Tree Pruning

by Fred Nelson

Tree pruning helps to revitalize the appearance and health of your tree. The pruning process also introduces an intentional wound where you cut the tree, which means you need to follow certain practices in caring for the wounds.

Here is what to do to prevent unwanted wounds and ensure tree pruning wounds heal as well and as fast as they should.

Watch Your Tree Pruning Technique

The tree pruning technique will greatly maximize how well and fast your tree closes the wound and its ability to defend itself from infections. Clean and smooth cuts are the most ideal, and avoid stubs. To achieve this, use sharp and clean shears.

Additionally, ensure you leave a small collar of wood where the branch attaches to the tree trunk. This will ensure there is a smaller area for the callus to develop, reducing the chances of decay-causing organisms entering the wound.

Use the Right Tools and Keep Clean

The size of the branches that require pruning and how much pruning is needed will inform the best choice of tools for the job. As already pointed out, the shears should be sharp to deliver clean cuts.

Additionally, sanitizing the pruning shears helps prevent disease spread from infected branches or trees to the next ones. Tree pruning tools become contaminated when they come into contact with disease-causing microorganisms. Failing to sanitize the tools will make it easy to transfer these microorganisms between different parts of a tree or different trees through fresh pruning wounds.

Time Your Tree Pruning

Winter is one of the best times of the year for tree pruning. During this season of dormancy, when the tree isn't actively growing, the temperature and risk of infection are lower. Pruning during this season ensures minimal sap and resin flow, which also helps with unnecessary wound closure delays.

Take Proper Care of the Wounds

Applying a dressing to the wounds after tree pruning may be necessary in some instances. Wound dressings help to prevent the introduction of pathogens into fresh wounds. Tree pruning experts may go ahead with wound dressing in cases where oak wilt and Dutch elm diseases are prevalent.

With the exception of those two instances, the best practice in taking care of pruning wounds is to leave them open. This way, you will not be interfering with the protective benefits of tree resins and gum, and you can be sure that the wounds will close up much faster under these natural conditions.

In conclusion, using the right tree pruning technique and tools and ensuring you properly care for the wounds will accelerate wound closure and healing while keeping away infections and tree disease.

To learn more about pruning and caring for your trees, contact a tree pruning service in your area.
